
Your child’s health is of major importance to us all. The state health department mandates that before a child can be enrolled in our program his immunization record must on file in our office. An HIB vaccination is required for 3, 4, and 5 year olds. Children arriving the first day without such must be taken home. Within 30 days after enrollment, the State further requires a completed health form, signed by physician, be on file.

If your child cannot participate in daily activities including outdoor play due to the following symptoms, he must be kept at home:

  1. Unexplained lethargy
  2. Vomiting two or more times that day
  3. Fever
  4. Drainage from eyes/ears
  5. Lice, ringworm (must be treated before a child may return)
  6. Bacterial infections such as strep and has not completed 24 hours of antibiotic treatment
  7. Three or more loose stools that day
  8. Undiagnosed rash
  9. Significant respiratory distress
  10. Chicken pox unless the lesions are all crusted over
  11. Requires more care than staff can provide without compromising health and safety of other children

The above symptoms have been established by the Department of Human Services with concern for the health and welfare of all children. Please help us keep illness to a minimum by being aware of these symptoms and keeping your child home if he/she comes down with any of them.

If the symptoms occur, parents will be notified to pick up their child from school. We have mats and an area where the child may rest until his parent or other authorized person can pick him up.

Please inform the school if your child will not be present. Parents must notify CDLC within 24 hours when a child has contracted a contagious disease. Parents will be notified by note and/or email should a child in your child’s class be diagnosed with a contagious disease.

When you sign the permission form you are allowing your child to be involved in program activities, and allowing our staff to take whatever steps may be necessary for medical emergencies.

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