

Email is our primary means of communication with you. We strive to keep parents up-to-date and thoroughly informed about preschool events, curriculum, safety issues, contact information and much more with weekly email updates. At the same time, we try to be environmentally responsible by limiting the amount of paper copies we make and distribute.

We also encourage parents to call the school, the director, or your child’s teacher at any time for informal conferencing. If you call during school hours, a message will be taken for your child’s teacher to return your call. During school, her first responsibility is to her children.


Parent-Teacher Conferences

There will be two formal conferences scheduled. The first, in the fall, will inform you as to your child’s adjustment to school and set learning goals. The second conference, in the spring, will be a comprehensive evaluation as to your child’s progress throughout the school year, cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally.

Children will not attend school on those days. Childcare is provided for a small fee.



All information obtained regarding any center family/child(ren) is considered confidential. All parents/guardians may gain access to their child’s information by either asking the teacher or director. All information compiled during screenings and assessment will be used to promote the healthy developmental growth of the child. No information can be shared with an outside agency without written consent from the legal guardian. On request, the Regulatory authorities (MN Department of Human Services & NAEYC authorized assessor) of CDLC will have access to our confidential materials.



A monthly newsletter will be distributed via email at the beginning of each month. This will list and explain all upcoming school events and important information. Newsletters will also be posted at

Email addresses provided on the registration form are automatically added to our email list; anyone else may sign up for our email news; we highly recommend that caregivers, grandparents or anyone else who needs to be aware of important information sign up. Sign up by following the link on our homepage or by emailing


Website –

The CDLC website is designed to both inform the public about our preschool and to provide you with current preschool information. On the website, you will find the monthly newsletter, Google calendar, and parent handbook (PDF).


Contacting Us

Our first priority is always the children. For this reason, we may not always be available to answer the phone. If you call the office and no one answers, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Hi! Please send us a message and we’ll email you a response shortly.

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