More for Parents to Know

Children with Special Needs

CDLC does enroll children with special needs (a generally recognized and persistent physical, mental, or emotional disability) whenever feasible for the child and the center. In these cases, an appropriate statement from the child’s physician or professional referring agency must be submitted. If a child currently enrolled develops signs of special needs, center staff will recommend available resources to parents for the diagnosis of the condition. CDLC will work with the parent to implement therapies to the best of the CDLC’s abilities. In the unlikely event the CDLC can no longer adequately meet the individual needs of the child; the director will set a date for termination of center services and will offer the parent information about alternative resources.



Because the children will be involved in a variety of play experiences, we ask you to send your child in play clothes so he will not have to worry about being totally involved and you will not be angered when the art media used does not totally wash out of a favorite outfit. Also, we ask you to please label your child’s outer clothing. It will help us at dismissal time to tell which size three blue windbreaker is your child’s. During the winter months, the children will not go outside to play unless you are notified by your child’s teacher in advance. To compensate, we have built an extensive motor skills development program into our curriculum. For these reasons, your child will not need to wear boots or snowsuits to school unless you are notified by your child’s teacher in advance. Our walkways will be sanded and shoveled so your child will be able to easily get from your car to the building.


School Pets

Currently our school pet is a fish.


Sharing Time

Bringing a toy or object from home often helps to bridge the gap between home and school and also facilitates language development. Each teacher sets her own days for sharing and will give this information to you during orientation. If your child chooses to share a favorite toy, valuable object, or pet, we ask parents to bring it in, allow your child to share it with the class, and then take it home with you. This will assure us the object will not be broken or abused. Guns and other war toys are not allowed in our school. We do realize that children need many means to express feelings of aggression. For this reason, we provide play dough for pounding (also manipulative dexterity), finger paints, and water play (to soothe jangled feelings), to name a few.



Days that CDLC is not in session are indicated on the school calendar. Adjustments are not made in tuition for absences including illness or family vacations.


Volunteering and Visitation

Parents are always welcome to visit. Our parent volunteer program is an opportunity for you to become involved. For more information or to sign up visit For security purposes and to ensure the safety of our students all visitors, including parents, will sign in upon arrival in the office and wear a visitor tag. All personal belongings, such as purses and coats, are to be left in the office area. We ask that you make other arrangements for toddlers or non-enrolled preschoolers when you visit your child’s class. You will then be able to focus on your preschooler and not be distracted by a younger child.


Field Trips

Children at CDLC will not be taken on any bussed field trips during the school year. Instead we will have as many special interest people as possible come to our Center to share skills and talents with the children.

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