Enrollment, Tuition & Scholarships


Applications are accepted until the sessions are filled. Each applicant will register online prior to admission to the Center, and submit a non-refundable registration fee for enrollment processing which is not part of the regular tuition payment. Open positions are filled as our office receives the completed forms. Once all positions are filled, names are placed on a waiting list. These families are contacted as openings occur. Only children who are eligible for enrollment that current school year will have their names placed on the waiting list. Prior to enrollment, the parent and child may meet with the director to visit the program, discuss policies, enrollment procedures, and answer any questions the parent may have.



Administration has the right to place children in appropriate classes. Requests for class placements will be honored when possible; however, administration will make the placement in the best interest of the child and staff involved.



A $65 non-refundable registration fee for half day students and an $85 non-refundable registration fee for all day students are due at the time of registration. Registration information can be found here.



Monthly tuition rates can be found here.

We are often asked why tuition is the same for months that are shorter or longer, including December. Tuition is based on the total number of days school is in session for the year, and then divided by the number of months in the school year (September to May). This allows for easier equal tuition payments each month.


Due Dates

Tuition is due on the 1st of each month August thru April. You may pay the entire year on or before August 1st for a 2% discount. Our preferred method of payment is by an automatic payment from your checking or savings account. Download the automatic payment form here. You may also pay by sending cash or a check each month. Please make checks payable to CDLC and include your child’s first and last name on the check. You may send your payment to school with your child, attached to the outside of your child’s backpack or mail it to: CDLC, 13801 Fairview Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337. If you choose to pay in cash please send your payment in an envelope with your child’s first and last name on the envelope, so we can be sure the payment is properly credited.


Absences & Tuition

A spot in the class is reserved for your child. Therefore, even if your child is absent from preschool for any reason (including family vacation or illness), tuition will still be due. If CDLC needs to close for health reasons or other unforeseen events, CDLC will switch to virtual learning. Tuition will still be due.


Other Charges

A late fee of $10 will be added to any tuition not received by the 15th of each month.   late notice will be sent after the 15th of any month if payment is not received. If payment is outstanding by 60 days, your child will not be allowed to attend preschool until your account is paid in full or other payment arrangements have been made.

A fee of $30 will be assessed for any checks returned for non-sufficient funds.

We want to work with you if you are having difficulty paying tuition or do not understand CDLC policies. Please contact the office to discuss payment options or ask questions.


Tax Information

Taxpayers wishing to claim either the Child Care Tax Credit or the Dependent Care exclusion should ask CDLC to prepare a statement of tuition paid in the tax year. You may also ask for a monthly tuition receipt if you have a Flexible Spending Account. CDLC is a tax-exempt, not for profit entity. CDLC’s Federal Tax I.D. number is 41-6043414.



Each child is enrolled for the entire school year.  If you intend to withdraw your child from CDLC at any time, you must complete a Student Withdrawal Form. You will continue to be liable for monthly tuition until 30 days after the Student Withdrawal Form is received in the CDLC office.  This form is available on the CDLC website or may be requested in person or via email form the CDLC office. You may return the form to the CDLC office in person, by mail, fax or email.  If your child is enrolled after April 1, you are responsible for tuition for the remainder of the year.


Grievance Procedure

If you have a grievance over our program or procedures, please contact your child’s teacher first and then the director. If you do not feel satisfied, please issue your complaint formally in written form to the director. It will then become the responsibility of the director to consult with the Advisory Committee of CDLC or the senior pastor of Prince of Peace. The director will be responsible to see the grievance is handled properly. Further concerns may be addressed to the Department of Human Services at 612-296-3971.


Scholarship Policy

It is the intent of CDLC to provide financial assistance to children based on family eligibility. Financial assistance is granted in the form of partial scholarships, contingent upon the availability of funds.

The following guidelines are used for this determination:

  • Eligibility for special circumstances is determined on a case-by-case basis, taking such factors into consideration as job loss, illness, death, or other situation(s) that affect the family’s ability to pay.
  • Scholarship amounts will be determined based on financial information provided on the scholarship application.

Procedure for applying for financial aid:

  • Families with financial needs should first apply for the Minnesota Department of Education Early Learning Scholarships thru Think Small. CDLC preschool families are eligible for Early Learning Scholarships that give families financial support to help pay for preschool education up to $7,500 per child per year. To apply, families can call Think Small Scholarship Information line at 651-641-6604 to request an application or click this link MN Pathways Scholarship Forms.
  • If families do not qualify for the Think Small Early Learning Scholarships, families will then be considered for CDLC scholarships. For more information or to find out more about other financial aid options, contact the CDLC office at 952-435-9346 or email Marie.


Scholarship Tuition Payment

Tuition payments must be made in accordance with CDLC policies and any past due amount will cause the scholarship to be cancelled.


Scholarship Donations

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will never be shortened.” | Author: Unknown

Karen Dwyer was definitely that candle. For over 20 years she let her light shine through the children she taught and the friendships she made. In the spring of 2007, the CDLC community lost a dear friend and valued staff member when Karen passed away after a prolonged battle with breast cancer. She faced this battle with courage, dignity, strength, and, typical of Karen, a smile for everyone she encountered. She is deeply missed, but her spirit lives on.

We have established a Karen Dwyer Scholarship Fund to provide scholarships for children who otherwise might not be able to attend CDLC preschool. The money we have received thus far has been put in an investment fund, with the intention to draw off a portion of the interest each year in order to provide scholarships.

It is our hope that the fund will continue to grow, providing educational opportunities for generations to come. To accomplish this, we need to get the word out and we are asking for your help. Any donation would be welcome. If you are a Thrivent member, returning a Giving Plus form further extends your gift through matching funds. View more information about giving options.

We are asking that you might consider giving a tax-deductible gift to the Karen Dwyer Scholarship Fund. Karen had a passion for education and an amazing ability to inspire children to learn. Please help us ensure that her gift of knowledge will continue to be passed on to children, the light of Karen’s life.

Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning. – Fred Rogers



CDLC is required to maintain a file on all registered children. Parents are responsible for completing and returning all of the following forms before their child’s first day of class.

Health Care Summary | In order to remain licensed we are required by state law to have this form filled out and signed by your child’s doctor within 30 days of your child’s first day of class. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

Immunization Record | Also, in order to remain licensed we are required by state law this form for your child must be on file by your child’s first day of class. Parents are responsible for updating their child’s immunization records each time their child receives an immunization.

Child Pick Up Form | In order for a child to be picked up by anyone other than their parent or guardian, written authorization is required. This form explains the pick-up procedure and provides authorization for CDLC to release your child to the authorized adults.

Permission Form | Parent’s sign this form to give general permission to CDLC for a variety of things such as authorizing CDLC to provide emergency medical care, use children’s photos, going for walks, etc.

Tuition Agreement Form | This form explains our tuition policies and the parent’s responsibilities for payment.

Individualized Child Care Plan (ICCP) | Any child with an allergy, asthma, eczema or seizures requiring medication to be kept on site at CDLC must have an Individualized Child Care Plan (ICCP) signed by the child’s doctor on file in our office to be eligible to attend the first day of school.

Please contact Marie at 952-435-8105 or email if you are unsure if your child needs this form on file.

It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that these forms are kept up to date. This is especially important if there is a move, a change of job or any other change to contact information.

Forms may be mailed (13801 Fairview Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337) or faxed (952-898-9379) to the CDLC office at any time.

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